12  Model Validation

12.1 Introduction

This document discusses modeling via multiple linear regression, and the tools in pandas and sklearn that can assist with this. We will expand on our previous content by diving deeper into model evaluation.


If you do not have the sklearn library installed then you will need to run

pip install sklearn

in the Jupyter/Colab terminal to install. Remember: you only need to install once per machine (or Colab session).

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

12.2 Machine Learning Mission

Recall that in machine learning our goal is to predict the value of some target variable using one or more predictor variables. Mathematically, we we’re in the following setup

\[y = f(X) + \epsilon \]

where \(y\) is our target variable and \(X\) represents the collection (data frame) of our predictor variables. So far we’ve discussed tackling this via multiple linear regression.

12.3 Multiple Linear Regression

Recall that we’ve discussed the following model specification:

\[y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \beta_2 X_2 + \cdots + \beta_p X_p + \epsilon\]

where \(X_j\) (\(j = 1,...,p\)) can represent any type of predictor (or transformed predictor) variable in our dataset.

For most of our machine learning methods we’ll want to include every variable in our dataset that we consider a predictor. So, multiple linear regression is also our way of setting the stage for the rest of our machine learning journey. Dataset preparation for other machine learning methods will mostly be the same as we’ve discussed for multiple linear regression (e.g. dummifying categorical variables, standardizing quantitative variables, etc.).

Check In

Let’s try, once again, to predict bill_depth_mm in the Palmer Penguins dataset. However, you should use all available predictors in the dataset. Train your model on the entire dataset and compute the sum of the squared residuals for your fitted model.

Is your multiple regression model good?!

We discussed before that we could compute the Mean Squared Error as one particular metric of interest. However, the magnitude of the value of the mean squared error for a single model specification is meaningless. There is no universal threshold to compare this value to.

One metric that does have more standardized values is R-squared, the coefficient of determination. This metric takes value between 0 and 1, with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit.

Check In

Compute the R-squared value for the your full model from above and comment on its value concerning the model fit. The sklearn library has a function for this:


12.4 Model Evaluation

Evaluating the quality of a model can be complex, but it’s been well studied. As standardized as R-squared is as a metric for a model, it suffers from at least one weakness:

  • It is mathematically guaranteed to stay the same or increase in value if we add terms (predictors) to the model.

This is essentially saying that any new variable can’t make the model any worse; it can add zero or more information, but not “negative information”. We generally don’t want to arbitrarily add predictors to our model. Bigger and more complex models are often more computationally costly, harder to interpret (if at all), and more likely to overfit our data.

But wait…aren’t we supposed to be computing metrics and evaluating our models on test data?! Yes!

This guarantee about the value of R-squared never decreasing is only true if computed on the training data.



To choose between our model specifications, we will need some training data for fitting the models, and some test data for computing the metrics. How will we get two separate datasets? Easy, we’ll just split up the one dataset we already have!

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25)

With our training and testing datasets established, we’re ready to fit our models on the training data and then make predictions on the test data!

Once we have predictions on the test data we need to decide on one or more metrics to use to compare our candidate models.

Check In

There is a large number of metrics we can use to evaluate models of different types. Identify at least two different metrics we could use to evaluate our bill_depth_mm model:


Split the penguin dataset into training and testing subsets. Fit your model to the training data and compute the value of your two metrics on the test data.

No matter what metrics you happened to identify, a few popular choices are:

  • Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
  • R-Squared

All of these metrics have corresponding functions in sklearn.

12.4.1 Under/Overfitting

Do you think your full model for bill_depth_mm underfit the data? Overfit? Was just fine? How do we even tell?!


In general, we will organize a short list of model specifications that we want to explore and then compute the value of our metrics for each, on our test dataset. The “winner” is the one with the best values of the metrics on our test data.

But how do we assess underfit and overfit when we can’t visualize our data and model as easily like we did previously with our polynomial regression models…?

The hope is that we can evaluate complex models in the following way:

Fig 1. Fit vs. Complexity
Check In

In the graph above, which model is underfit? Which model is overfit? Does this make sense in the right graph as well? How does the right graph help us assess under/overfit when the model isn’t visualizable?

12.4.2 Suspiciously Good

Suppose we fit a model to our training data and apply it to our test data and obtain extremely low values for both the training and the test error metrics…

Fig 2. Sus

Of course we want our models to do well, but it’s actually fantastic to have intuition that model performance on the test dataset is suspicious if it’s seemingly too good.

A few things to check in this situation:

  • Review all of your code to make sure your X dataframe didn’t include the target variable (y) as well

  • Check to see if any of your predictor variables are “surrogates” (or superficially associated with) for your target variable (y)

Practice Activity

Open up this colab notebook and make a copy.

Fill out the sections where indicated, render it to html with Quarto, and push your final notebook and html document to a repository on GitHub (same one as Practice Activity 1.1 is good). Then share this repository link in the quiz question.