4  Tabular Data and Basic Data Operations

4.1 Introduction

This document demonstrates the use of the pandas library in Python to do basic data wrangling and summarization.


If you do not have the pandas library installed then you will need to run

pip install pandas

in the Jupyter terminal to install. Remember: you only need to install once per machine (or Colab session, for packages that don’t come pre-installed).

4.2 Reading Tabular Data into Python

We’re going to be exploring pandas in the context of the famous Titanic dataset. We’ll work with a subset of this dataset, but more information about it all can be found here.

We start by loading the numpy and pandas libraries. Most of our data wrangling work will happen with functions from the pandas library, but the numpy library will be useful for performing certain mathematical operations should we choose to transform any of our data.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data_dir = "https://dlsun.github.io/pods/data/"
df_titanic = pd.read_csv(data_dir + "titanic.csv")

We’ve already seen read_csv() used many times for importing CSV files into Python, but it bears repeating.

Data files of many different types and shapes can be read into Python with similar functions, but we will focus on tabular data.

4.2.1 Tidy Data is Special Tabular Data

For most people, the image that comes to mind when thinking about data is indeed something tabular or spreadsheet-like in nature. Which is great!

Tabular data is a form preferred by MANY different data operations and work. However, we will want to take this one step further. In almost all data science work we want our data to be tidy


A dataset is tidy if it adheres to following three characteristics:

  • Every column is a variable

  • Every row is an observation

  • Every cell is a single value

Check In

With 2-3 people around you, navigate to the GapMinder Data site and download a single CSV file of your choice. Open it up in Excel or your application of choice. Is this dataset tidy? If not, then what would have to change to make it tidy?

Learn More

The term “tidy data” was first popularized in this paper by R developer Hadley Wickham.

You may have noticed that plotnine (ggplot) is basically built to take tidy data. Variables are specified in the aesthetics function to map them (i.e. columns) in our dataset to plot elements. This type of behavior is EXTREMELY common among functions that work with data in all languages, and so the importance of getting our data into a tidy format cannot be overstated.

In Python, there are at least two quick ways to view a dataset we’ve read in:

name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived
0 Abbing, Mr. Anthony male 42.0 3rd S United States 5547.0 7.11 0
1 Abbott, Mr. Eugene Joseph male 13.0 3rd S United States 2673.0 20.05 0
2 Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward male 16.0 3rd S United States 2673.0 20.05 0
3 Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary 'Rosa' female 39.0 3rd S England 2673.0 20.05 1
4 Abelseth, Miss. Karen Marie female 16.0 3rd S Norway 348125.0 7.13 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2202 Wynn, Mr. Walter male 41.0 deck crew B England NaN NaN 1
2203 Yearsley, Mr. Harry male 40.0 victualling crew S England NaN NaN 1
2204 Young, Mr. Francis James male 32.0 engineering crew S England NaN NaN 0
2205 Zanetti, Sig. Minio male 20.0 restaurant staff S England NaN NaN 0
2206 Zarracchi, Sig. L. male 26.0 restaurant staff S England NaN NaN 0

2207 rows × 9 columns

name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived
0 Abbing, Mr. Anthony male 42.0 3rd S United States 5547.0 7.11 0
1 Abbott, Mr. Eugene Joseph male 13.0 3rd S United States 2673.0 20.05 0
2 Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward male 16.0 3rd S United States 2673.0 20.05 0
3 Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary 'Rosa' female 39.0 3rd S England 2673.0 20.05 1
4 Abelseth, Miss. Karen Marie female 16.0 3rd S Norway 348125.0 7.13 1

The latter (.head()) is usually preferred in case the dataset is large.

Check In

Does the titanic dataset appear to be in tidy format?

4.3 The “Big Five” Verbs of Data Wrangling

Data wrangling can involve a lot of different steps and operations to get data into a tidy format and ready for analysis and visualization. The vast majority of these fall under the umbrella one the following five operations:

  1. Select columns/variables of interest

  2. Filter rows/observations of interest

  3. Arrange the rows of a dataset by column(s) of interest (i.e. order or sort)

  4. Mutate the columns of a dataset (i.e. create or transform variables)

  5. Summarize the rows of a dataset for column(s) of interest

4.3.1 Select Columns/Variables

Suppose we want to select the age variable from the titanic DataFrame. There are three ways to do this.

  1. Use .loc, specifying both the rows and columns. (The colon : is Python shorthand for “all”.)
df_titanic.loc[:, "age"]
  1. Access the column as you would a key in a dict.
  1. Access the column as an attribute of the DataFrame.

Method 3 (attribute access) is the most concise. However, it does not work if the variable name contains spaces or special characters, begins with a number, or matches an existing attribute of the DataFrame. So, methods 1 and 2 are usually safer and preferred.

To select multiple columns, you would pass in a list of variable names, instead of a single variable name. For example, to select both age and fare, either of the two methods below would work (and produce the same result):

# Method 1
df_titanic.loc[:, ["age", "fare"]].head()

# Method 2
df_titanic[["age", "fare"]].head()

4.3.2 Filter Rows/Observations Selecting Rows/Observations by Location

Before we see how to filter (i.e. subset) the rows of dataset based on some condition, let’s see how to select rows by explicitly identifying them.

We can select a row by its position using the .iloc attribute. Keeping in mind that the first row is actually row 0, the fourth row could be extracted as:

name        Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary 'Rosa'
gender                              female
age                                   39.0
class                                  3rd
embarked                                 S
country                            England
ticketno                            2673.0
fare                                 20.05
survived                                 1
Name: 3, dtype: object

Notice that a single row from a DataFrame is no longer a DataFrame but a different data structure, called a Series.

We can also select multiple rows by passing a list of positions to .iloc.

df_titanic.iloc[[1, 3]]
name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived
1 Abbott, Mr. Eugene Joseph male 13.0 3rd S United States 2673.0 20.05 0
3 Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary 'Rosa' female 39.0 3rd S England 2673.0 20.05 1

Notice that when we select multiple rows, we get a DataFrame back.

So a Series is used to store a single observation (across multiple variables), while a DataFrame is used to store multiple observations (across multiple variables).

If selecting consecutive rows, we can use Python’s slice notation. For example, the code below selects all rows from the fourth row, up to (but not including) the tenth row.

name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived
3 Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary 'Rosa' female 39.0 3rd S England 2673.0 20.0500 1
4 Abelseth, Miss. Karen Marie female 16.0 3rd S Norway 348125.0 7.1300 1
5 Abelseth, Mr. Olaus Jørgensen male 25.0 3rd S United States 348122.0 7.1300 1
6 Abelson, Mr. Samuel male 30.0 2nd C France 3381.0 24.0000 0
7 Abelson, Mrs. Hannah female 28.0 2nd C France 3381.0 24.0000 1
8 Abī-Al-Munà, Mr. Nāsīf Qāsim male 27.0 3rd C Lebanon 2699.0 18.1509 1 Selecting Rows/Observations by Condition

We’ll often want to filter or subset the rows of a dataset based on some condition. To do this we’ll take advantage of vectorization and boolean masking.

Recall that we can compare the values of a variable/column to a particular value in the following way, and observe the result.

df_titanic["age"] > 30
0        True
1       False
2       False
3        True
4       False
2202     True
2203     True
2204     True
2205    False
2206    False
Name: age, Length: 2207, dtype: bool

We can use these True and False values to filter/subset the dataset! The following subsets the titanic dataset down to only those individuals (rows) with ages over 30.

df_titanic[df_titanic["age"] > 30]
name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived
0 Abbing, Mr. Anthony male 42.0 3rd S United States 5547.0 7.1100 0
3 Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary 'Rosa' female 39.0 3rd S England 2673.0 20.0500 1
12 Ahlin, Mrs. Johanna Persdotter female 40.0 3rd S Sweden 7546.0 9.0906 0
15 Aldworth, Mr. Augustus Henry male 35.0 2nd S England 248744.0 13.0000 0
21 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 39.0 3rd S England 373450.0 8.0100 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2197 Worthman, Mr. William Henry male 37.0 engineering crew S England NaN NaN 0
2200 Wright, Mr. William male 40.0 victualling crew S England NaN NaN 1
2202 Wynn, Mr. Walter male 41.0 deck crew B England NaN NaN 1
2203 Yearsley, Mr. Harry male 40.0 victualling crew S England NaN NaN 1
2204 Young, Mr. Francis James male 32.0 engineering crew S England NaN NaN 0

984 rows × 9 columns

We can combine multiple conditions using & (and) and | (or). The following subsets the titanic dataset down to females over 30 years of age.

df_titanic[(df_titanic["age"] > 30) & (df_titanic["gender"] == "female")]
name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived
3 Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary 'Rosa' female 39.0 3rd S England 2673.0 20.0500 1
12 Ahlin, Mrs. Johanna Persdotter female 40.0 3rd S Sweden 7546.0 9.0906 0
35 Andersson, Miss. Ida Augusta Margareta female 38.0 3rd S Sweden 347091.0 7.1506 0
40 Andersson, Mrs. Alfrida Konstantia Brogren female 39.0 3rd S Sweden 347082.0 31.0506 0
44 Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia female 62.0 1st C United States 13502.0 77.1902 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1997 Robinson, Mrs. Annie female 41.0 victualling crew S England NaN NaN 1
2059 Smith, Miss. Katherine Elizabeth female 45.0 victualling crew S England NaN NaN 1
2076 Stap, Miss. Sarah Agnes female 47.0 victualling crew S England NaN NaN 1
2143 Wallis, Mrs. Catherine Jane female 36.0 victualling crew S England NaN NaN 0
2145 Walsh, Miss. Catherine female 32.0 victualling crew S Ireland NaN NaN 0

206 rows × 9 columns

Check In

With the 2-3 people around you, how would you find the just the names of the males under 20 years of age who survived (in the titanic dataset) with a single line of code?

4.3.3 Arrange Rows

As part of exploratory data analysis and some reporting efforts, we will want to sort a dataset or set of results by one or more variables of interest.

We can do this with .sort_values in either ascending or descending order.

The following sorts the titanic dataset by age in decreasing order.

df_titanic.sort_values(by = ["age"], ascending=False)
name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived
1176 Svensson, Mr. Johan male 74.000000 3rd S Sweden 347060.0 7.1506 0
820 Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael male 72.000000 2nd S England 24580.0 10.1000 0
53 Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon male 71.000000 1st C Argentina 17609.0 49.1001 0
456 Goldschmidt, Mr. George B. male 71.000000 1st C United States 17754.0 34.1301 0
282 Crosby, Captain. Edward Gifford male 70.000000 1st S United States 5735.0 71.0000 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1182 Tannūs, Master. As'ad male 0.416667 3rd C Lebanon 2625.0 8.1004 1
296 Danbom, Master. Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel male 0.333333 3rd S Sweden 347080.0 14.0800 0
316 Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys 'Millvina' female 0.166667 3rd S England 2315.0 20.1106 1
439 Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio male NaN 3rd C Bulgaria 349254.0 7.1711 0
677 Kraeff, Mr. Theodor male NaN 3rd C Bulgaria 349253.0 7.1711 0

2207 rows × 9 columns


Notice that in these last few sections, we have not made any permanent changes to the df_titanic object. We have only asked python do some selecting/filtering/sorting and then to print out the results, not save them.

If we wanted df_titanic to become permanently sorted by age, we would re-assign the object:

df_titanic = df_titanic.sort_values(by = ["age"], ascending=False)

You will sometimes see object reassignment happen in a different way, using an inplace = True argument, like this:

df_titanic.sort_values(by = ["age"], ascending=False, inplace=True)

We strongly recommend against this approach, for two reason:

  1. When an object is “overwritten” via reassignment, that’s a major decision; you lose the old version of the object. It should be made deliberately and obviously. The inplace argument is easy to miss when copying/editing code, so it can lead to accidental overwriting that is hard to keep track of.

  2. Not all functions of DataFrames have an inplace option. It can be frustrating to get into the habit of using it, only to find out the hard way that it’s not available half the time!

4.3.4 Mutate Column(s)

The variables available to us in our original dataset contain all of the information we have access to, but the best insights may instead come from transformations of those variables. Transforming Quantitative Variables

One of the simplest reasons to want to transform a quantitative variable is to change the measurement units.

Here we change the age of passengers from a value in years to a value in decades.

df_titanic["age"] = df_titanic["age"] / 10

If we have a quantitative variable that is particularly skewed, then it might be a good idea to transform the values of that variable…like taking the log of the values.


This was a strategy you saw employed with the GapMinder data!

Below is an example of taking the log of the fare variable. Notice that we’re making use of the numpy here to take the log.

df_titanic["fare"] = np.log(df_titanic["fare"])

Remember that we can take advantage of vectorization here too. The following operation wouldn’t really make physical sense, but it’s an example of creating a new variable out of existing variables.

df_titanic["nonsense"] = df_titanic["fare"] / df_titanic["age"]

Note that we created the new variable, nonsense, by specifying on the left side of the = here and populating that column/variable via the expression on the right side of the =.

We could want to create a new variable by categorizing (or discretizing) the values of a quantitative variable (i.e. convert a quantitative variable to a categorical variable). We can do so with cut.

In the following, we create a new age_cat variable which represents whether a person is a child or an adult.

df_titanic["age_cat"] = pd.cut(df_titanic["age"],
                              bins = [0, 18, 100],
                              labels = ["child", "adult"])
Check In

Consider the four mutations we just performed. In which ones did we reassign a column of the dataset, thus replacing the old values with new ones? In which ones did we create a brand-new column, thus retaining the old column(s) that were involved in the calculation? Transforming Categorical Variables

In some situations, especially later with modeling, we’ll need to convert categorical variables (stored as text) into quantitative (often coded) variables. Binary categorical variables can be converted into quantitative variables by coding one category as 1 and the other category as 0. (In fact, the survived column in the titanic dataset has already been coded this way.) The easiest way to do this is to create a boolean mask. For example, to convert gender to a quantitative variable female, which is 1 if the passenger was female and 0 otherwise, we can do the following:

df_titanic["female"] = 1 * (df_titanic["gender"] == "female")

What do we do about a categorical variable with more than twwo categories, like embarked, which has four categories? In general, a categorical variable with K categories can be converted into K separate 0/1 variables, or dummy variables. Each of the K dummy variables is an indicator for one of the K categories. That is, a dummy variable is 1 if the observation fell into its particular category and 0 otherwise.

Although it is not difficult to create dummy variables manually, the easiest way to create them is the get_dummies() function in pandas.

1176 False False False True
820 False False False True
53 False True False False
456 False True False False
282 False False False True
... ... ... ... ...
1182 False True False False
296 False False False True
316 False False False True
439 False True False False
677 False True False False

2207 rows × 4 columns

We may also want to change the levels of a categorical variable. A categorical variable can be transformed by mapping its levels to new levels. For example, we may only be interested in whether a person on the titanic was a passenger or a crew member. The variable class is too detailed. We can create a new variable, type, that is derived from the existing variable class. Observations with a class of “1st”, “2nd”, or “3rd” get a value of “passenger”, while observations with a class of “victualling crew”, “engineering crew”, or “deck crew” get a value of “crew”.

df_titanic["type"] = df_titanic["class"].map({
    "1st": "passenger",
    "2nd": "passenger",
    "3rd": "passenger",
    "victualling crew": "crew",
    "engineering crew": "crew",
    "deck crew": "crew"

name gender age class embarked country ticketno fare survived nonsense age_cat female type
1176 Svensson, Mr. Johan male 7.400000 3rd S Sweden 347060.0 1.967196 0 0.265837 child 0 passenger
820 Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael male 7.200000 2nd S England 24580.0 2.312535 0 0.321185 child 0 passenger
53 Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon male 7.100000 1st C Argentina 17609.0 3.893861 0 0.548431 child 0 passenger
456 Goldschmidt, Mr. George B. male 7.100000 1st C United States 17754.0 3.530180 0 0.497208 child 0 passenger
282 Crosby, Captain. Edward Gifford male 7.000000 1st S United States 5735.0 4.262680 0 0.608954 child 0 passenger
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1182 Tannūs, Master. As'ad male 0.041667 3rd C Lebanon 2625.0 2.091913 1 50.205923 child 0 passenger
296 Danbom, Master. Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel male 0.033333 3rd S Sweden 347080.0 2.644755 0 79.342661 child 0 passenger
316 Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys 'Millvina' female 0.016667 3rd S England 2315.0 3.001247 1 180.074822 child 1 passenger
439 Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio male NaN 3rd C Bulgaria 349254.0 1.970059 0 NaN NaN 0 passenger
677 Kraeff, Mr. Theodor male NaN 3rd C Bulgaria 349253.0 1.970059 0 NaN NaN 0 passenger

2207 rows × 13 columns

4.3.5 Summarizing Rows

Summarization of the rows of a dataset for column(s) of interest can take many different forms. This introduction will not be exhaustive, but certainly cover the basics. Summarizing a Quantitative Variable

There are a few descriptive statistics that can be computed directly including, but not limited to, the mean and median.



df_titanic[["age", "fare"]].mean()
age     3.043673
fare    2.918311
dtype: float64

We can ask for a slightly more comprehensive description using .describe()


age ticketno fare survived nonsense female
count 2205.000000 1.316000e+03 1291.000000 2207.000000 1289.000000 2207.000000
mean 3.043673 2.842157e+05 2.918311 0.322157 2.147877 0.221568
std 1.215968 6.334726e+05 0.974452 0.467409 7.237694 0.415396
min 0.016667 2.000000e+00 1.108728 0.000000 0.265837 0.000000
25% 2.200000 1.426225e+04 1.971383 0.000000 0.742371 0.000000
50% 2.900000 1.114265e+05 2.645480 0.000000 0.936833 0.000000
75% 3.800000 3.470770e+05 3.435945 1.000000 1.260935 0.000000
max 7.400000 3.101317e+06 6.238443 1.000000 180.074822 1.000000

Note that, by default, .describe() provides descriptive statistics for only the quantitative variables in the dataset.

We can enhance numerical summaries with .groupby(), which allows us to specify one or more variables that we’d like to group our work by.

df_titanic[["age", "survived"]].groupby("survived").mean()
0 3.083194
1 2.960631
Check In

With 2-3 people around you, look up how you would compute the correlation between two quantitative variables in Python. Compute the correlation between the age and fare variables in the titanic dataset. Summarizing a Categorical Variable

When it comes to categorical variables we’re most often interested in frequency distributions (counts), relative frequency distributions, and cross-tabulations.


count     2207
unique       7
top        3rd
freq       709
Name: class, dtype: object

The .unique() here allows us to see the unique values of the class variable. Notice that the results of .describe() on a categorical variable are much different.

To completely summarize a single categorical variable, we report the number of times each level appeared, or its frequency.

3rd                 709
victualling crew    431
1st                 324
engineering crew    324
2nd                 284
restaurant staff     69
deck crew            66
Name: count, dtype: int64

Instead of reporting counts, we can also report proportions or probabilities, or the relative frequencies. We can calculate the relative frequencies by specifying normalize=True in .value_counts().

3rd                 0.321251
victualling crew    0.195288
1st                 0.146806
engineering crew    0.146806
2nd                 0.128681
restaurant staff    0.031264
deck crew           0.029905
Name: proportion, dtype: float64

Cross-tabulations are one way we can investigate possible relationships between categorical variables. For example, what can we say about the relationship between gender and survival on the Titanic?

Check In

Summarize gender and survival individually by computing the frequency distributions of each.

This does not tell us how gender interacts with survival. To do that, we need to produce a cross-tabulation, or a “cross-tab” for short. (Statisticians tend to call this a contingency table or a two-way table.)

pd.crosstab(df_titanic["survived"], df_titanic["gender"])
gender female male
0 130 1366
1 359 352

A cross-tabulation of two categorical variables is a two-dimensional array, with the levels of one variable along the rows and the levels of the other variable along the columns. Each cell in this array contains the number of observations that had a particular combination of levels. So in the Titanic data set, there were 359 females who survived and 1366 males who died. From the cross-tabulation, we can see that there were more females who survived than not, while there were more males who died than not. Clearly, gender had a strong influence on survival because of the Titanic’s policy of “women and children first”.

To get probabilities instead of counts, we specify normalize=True.

pd.crosstab(df_titanic["survived"], df_titanic["gender"], normalize=True)
gender female male
0 0.058903 0.618940
1 0.162664 0.159493
Check In

What about conditional proportions? With 2-3 people around you, discuss how you would compute the proportion of females that survived and the proportion of males that survived and then do it.

Note, there are multiple ways to do this.

Practice Activity

Open up this colab notebook and make a copy.

Fill out the sections where indicated, render it to html with Quarto, and push your final notebook and html document to a repository on GitHub (same one as Practice Activity 1.1 is good). Then share this repository link in the quiz question.